Offender (film)

Offender is a 2012 British action film which follows a hard grafting, 20yearold workingclass man, Tommy Nix, who while avoiding getting mixed up in the wrong crowd sees his girlfriend fall victim to a brutal attack. It stars Kimberley Nixon, Joe Cole, Shaun Dooley and Vas Blackwood. It is written by Paul Van Carter and directed by Ron Scalpello.

The film received a 45 rating from Heat Magazine stating this bloody borstal drama makes quiet political points alongside a powerful revenge storyline and a 45 rating from Sky Movies calling it an admirably crafted a compelling drama and likening it to French prison film A Prophet and Alan Clarkes 1979 film Scum.CineVue presented areview for the film, stating that Scalpellos Offender is far from original However it presented enjoyable performances and an entertaining revenge plot. ........

Source: Wikipedia